Monday, October 11, 2010

Proposal 3 : About the thing I am doing

Today I am deciding on the things I am going to do that will be display in my portfolio. The things that I am going to do is animation, videography, graphic design and illustration. This are few things that I think I will be doing and some of it can be further break down like animation we can have 2D animation and 3D animation. I choose animation because in this semester we are learning about 2D and next semester we will maybe learning about 3D so I can actually use what I learn and put to use. I choose to do graphic design because I found some of the graphic design quite interesting like logo or typography so I like to actually to do it. For videography is because I am really quite interested in it and I will try to do it if it is possible. These are almost all the things that I decide to do after some serious thinking.

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